NATO summit will put pressure on Biden’s resolve to defeat Putin and on Erdogan

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President Biden’s appearance at the NATO summit in Madrid on Tuesday presents the most dire test of his administration’s attempt to repair a fractured military alliance and withdraw Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The United States government is widely seen as a key participant in the world’s most powerful military body – the 30-member North Atlantic Treaty Organization,

Marshal Billingsley, a former assistant secretary general of NATO, told Fox News Digital: “This NATO summit is an important test for Biden’s leadership. First, and most importantly, he should be able to negotiate a deal with Turkey, both Finnish and Swedish. must clear the way for membership. Second, it has to get countries to deliver critical extra-heavy weapons to Ukraine, particularly Germany, who have paid only lip-service to massive military aid.”

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NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg speaks during a media conference ahead of a NATO summit in Brussels on Monday, June 27, 2022. NATO heads of state will meet for the NATO summit in Madrid starting Tuesday, June 28.
(AP Photo/Olivier Mathis)

Billingsley, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, continued: “Third, they need to shift the coalition from its reactive posture to one that will have forces permanently based in the Baltics. Can it deliver on any of these? , that is an open question. One final thing to help answer with your NATO counterparts is, how difficult will the new strategic concept be with respect to Communist China?

Realizing the importance of playing ball to Turkey, President Biden spoke with Turkey’s Erdogan before flying to Madrid on Tuesday.

The White House read of the call: “President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke on the phone with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan today. President Biden said he would like to see President Erdogan at the NATO summit in Madrid Curious where the leaders will discuss the consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to other threats to the coalition such as transatlantic security and terrorism, as well as making historic decisions to strengthen the coalition’s collective defense and security

The major powers of continental Europe – Germany and France – have faced criticism for their slow response to Russian aggression and their failure to rapidly dispatch large shipments of heavy weapons to aid. Ukrainian army, To complicate matters further, Turkey, a member of NATO, is refusing to approve Russia and blocking Finland and Sweden from gaining membership in the Western Alliance.

“Many different actors are looking at Biden’s foreign policy agenda for signs of weakness,” Theodore Karasic, a fellow for Russian and Middle Eastern affairs at the Jamestown Foundation in Washington, told Fox News Digital.

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“Russia is still unilateral in Ukraine and other continents. Testing is now about NATO’s security architecture for the next 20 years. The pace and scope of NATO’s armament development is going to be critical to what happens as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.” Going to Eurasia next,” Karasik said.

President Biden heads to the NATO summit in Madrid to deal with a number of pressing issues, first and foremost Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine.

President Biden heads to the NATO summit in Madrid to deal with a number of pressing issues, first and foremost Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine.
(Olivier Hoslet, Pool via AP)

The stakes are high for Biden because Finland and Sweden The Russians are vulnerable to aggression and Moscow is gaining steam in its efforts to conquer greater Ukrainian territory.

Karasik said: “President Biden needs to secure Turkey’s active participation in NATO and prevent the country from acting as a ‘subsidiary’ to the security organization. A face-to-face meeting between the two leaders [Biden and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan] Necessary. Understanding Turkey’s grievances from Ankara’s perspective, Moscow’s action in relation to the Donbass and its impact on global food and grain supplies guarantees greater public unity about what Ankara is really seeking in this breadbasket. If Russia continues these differences, especially after the NATO summit, Russia will continue to stick together.”

Ukraine’s military aid to come with NATO Boosting Rapid Reaction Force

June 28-30 before the Madrid summit, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg He said he expects coalition members to make it clear that they see Russia as “the most significant and direct threat to our security. He announced that NATO will increase the strength of its rapid response force by nearly eight-fold to 300,000 troops.” as part of its response to the Strategic Competition. ,

The NATO Rapid Reaction Force currently has about 40,000 troops that can quickly deploy if needed.

The expansion is part of “the biggest overhaul of collective defense and deterrence since the Cold War,” Stoltenberg said.

“These soldiers will conduct exercises in collaboration with the home defense forces,” he said. “And they will become familiar with the local area, facilities and our newly predefined stock, so they can respond to any emergency more easily and rapidly.”

Stoltenberg said the allies would agree to provide more military aid to Ukraine, with NATO members ready to adopt a “strong comprehensive aid package” including secure communications and the delivery of anti-drone systems.

NATO looking to Germany for plan to increase security in eastern part of Europe

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres during their meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, April 26, 2022.

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres during their meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, April 26, 2022.
(Vladimir Astapovich, Sputnik, Kremlin pool photo via AP)

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Fox & Friends, speaking on Monday, said there was a need to “end the war in Ukraine”.

“Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday in Kyiv sent a very clear message about his respect for Biden and our team by launching missiles into western Ukraine,” Pompeo said.

The former top Trump administration diplomat said the US should provide Ukraine with “targeted capability, intelligence and unmanned aerial systems”.

“The longer we hold back, the longer this goes on, the more Ukrainian lives lost, the worse it will be for us here at home in America. We can see the effects of this war in Europe and the instability there.” ,” Pompeo said.

Threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party will also be a topic at the NATO summit.

John Kirby, the U.S. National Security Council’s coordinator for strategic communications, recently said, “I think it’s our allies’ impact on Chinese economic practices, the use of forced labor, intellectual theft, and not just blatant aggressive behavior.” This is a reflection of similar concerns. In the region but elsewhere around the world. He believes it is important to include China in the new strategic concept.”

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Amanda Rothschild, senior policy director for the Vandenberg Coalition and former senior national security speechwriter to President Trump, told Fox News Digital: “Advocating to improve NATO’s defensive capabilities and share the burden does not weaken the NATO alliance. It strengthens it. Is. Trump Administration Encouraged NATO allies to urgently improve military capabilities and readiness to address a range of current national security threats, including those of Russia. ,

It added: “As a result, the number of NATO members more than doubled in meeting their obligation to spend at least 2% of GDP on defense, and NATO allies to increase defense spending by $400 billion by 2024. These commitments are a necessary but not sufficient step. Allies must continue to invest in their defensive capabilities in line with Article 3 of the NATO treaty.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.