Mother reveals her breast was green when she got COVID, but insists it’s still safe for her baby

Mother reveals her breast was green when she got COVID, but insists it’s still safe for her baby

  • A mother reveals how the color of her breast milk changed when she was diagnosed with covid
  • Milk went from bright white to green – alerting him that something is wrong
  • The young mother and her two children then tested positive for the disease.
  • It’s safe to breastfeed your babies if infected, say health experts

A mother shows how her milk changes dramatically after coming into contact with her breast milk COVID-19 As health experts suggest, it is safe for infected mothers to breastfeed.

Ashmiri shared two photos showing her breast milk before and after she came down with Covid – pointing to the drastic change in color and the stagnantness of her supply.

She said the change in the color of her milk let her know that something was wrong with her and her babies – shortly after they tested positive for the virus.

‘The color change indicates that my body is making what Ruby needs. Antibodies, extra fat and just pure goodness,’ she wrote alongside the photos.

A mother shows how her breast milk changed dramatically after being exposed to COVID-19 – as health experts say it is safe for infected mothers to breastfeed

He wrote, ‘Breastmilk is so amazing, it’s magical and I’m so grateful to be able to produce it especially now.

Post . was shared by CPR Kids, a child-focused first aid group on Facebook where it quickly became the major discussion point of the day.

Health experts said they were flooded with messages from concerned mothers about whether they could breastfeed their babies if they became ill with the disease.

‘Covid-19 virus has not been found in breastmilk, but it can easily spread between people. Speak to your midwife or GP for advice specific to your situation and choose the one you are comfortable with,’ she wrote alongside the incredible photo of the mother.

Many of the page’s followers appeared to support the woman’s choice to breastfeed.

One woman wrote, ‘The antibodies in breast milk literally protect babies from the very beginning of time.

A mother said she started breastfeeding again after her baby got sick with Covid.

He wrote, ‘When my 15-month-old girl’s Kovid test came positive, I felt that she should be fed as much milk as she wants.

‘Her symptoms were very mild, and I managed to avoid getting sick (double wax). I 100% believe that breastfeeding helped my baby get better and prepare my body to defend itself against the virus,’ she adds.

Ashmiri shared two photos showing her breast milk before and after coming down with covid - pointing to the drastic change in color and the stagnation of her supply

Ashmiri shared two photos showing her breast milk before and after coming down with covid – pointing to the drastic change in color and the stagnation of her supply

While others pointed out that breastfeeding was far from a ‘magic bullet’.

‘The antibodies are limited to IgA, which doesn’t translate to respiratory protection or immunity in the blood,’ warns one woman, the mother should be really careful.

Others said they would be eager to give their babies unpasteurized milk based on its appearance.

One mother wrote, ‘This looks like a dodgy cocktail.

Is it safe to breastfeed if you are COVID positive?

If you want to breastfeed, it will be supported. There are no reports of the COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) being present in breastmilk. Breast milk is the best for almost all babies. Breastfeeding helps you and your baby bond together. It also helps protect your baby from infection. Your decision to breastfeed may include thinking about your baby’s health, how sick you are and whether you are good enough to care for your baby. Your health care team will discuss your individual situation and food options with you.

The COVID-19 virus has not been detected in breastmilk. However, COVID-19 is easily spread from person to person through close contact. Additional precautions are recommended while in close contact with your child.

What precautions are recommended?

If you have COVID-19, it is important that you do everything possible to protect your child from the virus, even if you do not have symptoms.

This is why it is so important that you:

• Wash your hands before and after touching your child – use soap and water or alcohol-based hand sanitizer/gel for 20 seconds

• Regularly clean and disinfect surfaces you have touched

• Wear a mask when in close contact, including while breastfeeding

• Where possible, enlist the help of a healthy adult to care for your child

Source: Queensland Health

While others revealed their breast milk to ‘look green’ when they added lots of green vegetables to their diet.

One woman said, ‘I look exactly like this after having a green smoothie.’

Others said they found the change ‘fascinating’.

One woman said, ‘This is so cool what the human body can do.

Officials in Queensland recommend taking extra precautions while breastfeeding if positive with the virus.

Her list of recommendations includes washing hands frequently, disinfecting ‘high touch’ surfaces and wearing a mask while in close contact – including while breastfeeding.
