Most Successful Parents Do These 3 Things With Their Kids To ‘Build Their Minds’, Says A Pediatric Surgeon

early childhood is rapid brain development, really, 90% of the child’s brain Development happens before the age of five – and a large part of this is dependent on their language environment.

This is why repeated, enriched “service-and-return” interactions are important for brain and social development. Nurturing activities – talking, smiling, pointing, responding, singing, describing their day – help children develop two important sets of skills: cognitive skills (eg, reading, memory, language) and non-cognitive (or “soft”) skills (eg, patience, flexibility).

As a pediatric surgeon who studies childhood brain development, I’ve noticed that many parents don’t, which is why I spent most of my career developing evidence-based programs. So that parents can help make a rich. language environment for their children.

At the heart of all of our programs is the “3Ts Strategy,” a three-step approach that successful parents use to build meaningful relationships with their children and build their minds: Tune in. talk more. turn by turn.

How to Implement the 3T Strategy

Step 1: Tune In

Tuning encourages parents to make a conscious effort to notice what their baby or toddler is focused on, and then talk about it with them.

Let’s say you are sitting at the table and your child is having breakfast, and you are watching them look out the window. Try to follow their vision and tune into what they are focusing on. Then, ask them a question that prompts them to talk about it: “Are you seeing that bird outside? Look how colorful it is!”

Pay attention to the sights and sounds that catch your baby’s attention in the moment. They are inquisitive little creatures, so their focus and attention is always changing! Your mission is to match the conversation to what they find attractive at the moment.

Step 2: Talk More

Once you learn of your child’s interest, follow their lead: Level up and talk more using richly varied language.

Talking too much adds words to the child’s mind in a piggy bank – a bank that earns compound interest. The more words that are put in the bank, the more brain connections a child makes and the bigger his or her vocabulary becomes.

Going back to our example, now that you know your child is focusing on the bird outside, continue to engage her in conversations about it using varied language that encourages focus and engagement: “We can see the bird when we have breakfast! Let’s see how long it lasts.”

Step 3: Take the Twist

The best conversations happen when both of you are equally engaged. Whatever your child’s age, you can have turn-by-turn conversations – the little one murmurs, gestures and gestures also count as dialogue.

Engage in a pattern of back-and-forth conversations by asking questions that encourage your child to describe the world around them or how they are feeling.

Add your own observations and feelings to encourage a sense of mutual exchange: “I see blue and gray and brown feathers. What colors do you see on the bird? Do you like it? I think she’s the most beautiful bird I’ve ever seen.”

Benefits of the 3Ts Strategy

Studies Our programs have shown that 3T is effective in enhancing parent-child interactions and interactions with their little ones.

What’s also great about 3T is that it helps parents stay connected with their kids as they move through adolescence and beyond. I still use this strategy with my first child, who recently graduated from college.

The 3T doesn’t require fancy gadgets or a special degree. They can be used while reading or playing or in everyday moments, such as doing laundry, taking the bus or playing.

And they remind parents that they are their children’s first and most powerful teachers, and that their conversations of love, service, and return build a healthy foundation for life-long learning.

Dr. Dana Suskind Professor of Surgery and Pediatrics at the University of Chicago Medical Center and Founder and Co-Director of TMW Center for Elementary Education + Public Health at the University of Chicago, he is author of “Parent Nation: Unlocking the potential of every child, fulfilling the promise of societyFollow him on Twitter @DrDanaSuskind,

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