LGBTQ Ukrainian refugee couple accepted with Alberta hosts – Calgary |

When war broke out in Ukraine, Yevnia Vasilkova and Kristina Hulyannik made a very difficult decision to leave their families.

“At first we were just running out of fear. It felt right, but then at some point when you don’t look at your family and friends and you’re wondering whether it’s the right choice or not,” said Vasilkova, a graphic designer from Kyiv.

She said that her sister does not want to leave Ukraine because she has a husband who is not allowed to leave.

“It’s a difficult decision for people to leave because you have a life out there and people have careers and families,” Vasilkova said. “Leaving is hard, especially knowing you’ll be far away from your family.”

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His choice to come to Canada was about security, economics, and acceptance.

“A lot of people lost their jobs. That was one of the big things. We wanted to go somewhere where at least one of us had a job,” Vasilkova said. “And at the same time we are an LGBTQ-friendly Wanted to find countries. Canada is one of the most.”

The young couple was careful looking for a host family. He contacted an LGBTQ+ organization, a settlement center that reached Hillhurst United Church in Calgary – known for its values ​​of inclusivity.

“That’s why we wanted to go through an organization,” said Vasilkova. “Because we were concerned that not everyone would be happy to host us as a couple, we wanted to make sure we found the right people who would be fine with us and with the dog.”

“It was a matter of great concern,” said Anne Yates-Laberge, executive director of Hillhurst United Church. “A gay family that came and a dog. It’s really difficult sometimes when you have people who are on different pages about what they think is a family structure.

“The Newcomer Center contacted us because they knew Hillhurst was accepting prices.”

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Longtime church members Lynn and Angelo Dalsin pick up their new Ukrainian guests at Calgary airport over the long weekend of May.

“We watch the news every morning,” said Lynn from her Airdry home. “I’m a little gentle and I used to cry every morning seeing the news about Ukraine and I stopped crying when we decided to do it, so I thought it was the right thing to do.”

The Airdrie couple’s four adult children have moved out of the house, so they say they have space.

“Meeting these girls has been an experience in our lives and we are so grateful for that,” Lynn said. “They are beautiful souls and we love having them in our house. I believe they are brave enough to do that. It’s tough.”

Host couple Angelo and Lynn Dalsin with their Ukrainian guests Kristina Hulyanik and Yevnia Vasilkova.

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Many Ukrainians are fleeing Poland and Hungary but those countries restrict the rights of LGBTQ+ people. Homosexual couples cannot marry or adopt children in Ukraine.

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Russia formally banned same-sex marriage two years ago.

Vasilkova said that while Ukraine still has a long way to go, it is making progress in terms of acceptance of LGBTQ people.

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‘We are different, but we are equal’: Thousands rally in Ukraine for LGBTQ+ rights, protection

“I think Canada is one of the most progressive countries in the world with respect to LGBTQ rights and Ukraine is not the most progressive place,” Vasilkova said. “Now we have pride parades and things like that, so that’s changing but Canada is ahead in the process.”

Vasilkova and her partner both describe their hosts as “perfect”.

“We are very lucky,” she said. “I didn’t know what I was expecting but it’s the best situation.

“They are very open to our experience and being with us and they are great for our dog.”

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