Laura Ingraham: Dams need to flatten what came before and remake it in their own warped image

Laura Ingraham discusses how the radical left is on a mission to tear down American ideals and replace them with their own agenda “ingraham angle,

Laura Ingraham: The Left is on a sick and self-loathing search-and-destroy mission. They are hardcore foot soldiers. They are working hard to undermine institutions and ideals that were once considered essential to a healthy, strong America. From the college campus to the corporate boardroom, from the newsroom to the nuclear family, the Left chooses prime targets for influence and infiltration. because they hate tradition And normalcy, they know they need to flatten what came before and remake it in their own warped image…

Laura Ingraham: Are you feeling better?

After the Left helped get Obama elected in 2008, the once great and respected Democrat Party was in tatters. From climate change to the CRT, the agenda of the Left became the agenda of the Democrats, from transgenderism To hit the streets. And fast forward to present day. How’s it all going? Are college grads better writers, better thinkers than they were 40 years ago? Do they feel free to speak their mind? Ok let’s do something…

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In our top institutions of higher learning, Cicero and Aristotle, they are out. And Abram Kendi and Nicole Hannah-Jones, they’re in. So much so that SUNY just announced it is mandating a course in racial equity for graduation because leftists know that objective meritocracy hurts their own dimwits. They are working overtime to eliminate standardized tests. Of course, standardized tests are fraught with cultural and racial biases.