Kosovan Olympic Committee demands disciplinary action against Novak Djokovic. cnn


The Kosovan Olympic Committee (KOC) has called on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the International Tennis Federation (ITF) will take disciplinary action against Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovik,

On Monday, Djokovic left a political message on the lens of a TV camera French Open In response to violent clashes in Kosovo, he wrote: “Kosovo is [heart symbol] Of serbia, Stop the violence” in Serbian.

In a letter written by KOC President Ismet Krasniqi and addressed to the IOC, the KOC said Djokovic’s message “violated the basic principle of the IOC Charter on the point of political neutrality and constitutes yet another political statement in sport.”

CNN has contacted Djokovic’s representation for comment.

KOC claimed that Djokovic “once again promoted the propaganda of Serbian nationalists and used the sporting platform to do so,” thereby “increasing the level of tension and violence between the two countries, Kosova and Serbia.”

Tension has been rising in the past week in Kosovo, which declared independence from Serbia in 2008. There were clashes with protesters on Monday after ethnically Albanian mayors took office in northern Kosovo, a predominantly Serb region, following elections in April that were boycotted by Kosovar Serbs. ,

Djokovic elaborated on his message in Serbian at a press conference this week, saying: “This is the least I could do. I feel a responsibility as a public figure – no matter in what field – to offer support.

“Especially as the son of someone born in Kosovo, I feel the need to offer my support to our people and to Serbia as a whole. I don’t know, and I think many others don’t know, what the future will bring for Kosova and the Serbian people, but in these types of situations it is necessary to show support and demonstrate unity.

Djokovic’s reference to “the whole of Serbia” reflects the policy of the Serbian government, which still considers Kosovo an integral part of its territory and does not recognize the country’s independence.

Krasniqi warned that, if no action was taken against Djokovic, it would “set a dangerous precedent that sport can be used as a platform for political messages.”

He said: “I respectfully urge that the IOC respond within its framework and request the ITF to adhere to the principles regulated by the Olympic Charter and investigate this matter by initiating disciplinary proceedings against the athlete.”

In a statement sent to CNN, an ITF spokesperson said: “We have received a letter from the Kosovo Tennis Federation and it has been acknowledged and forwarded to the relevant Grand Slam authority.

“The rules of player conduct at Grand Slam events are governed by the Grand Slam Rulebook, which is administered by the relevant organizer and regulator. There is no such provision in it which prohibits political statements.

The IOC told CNN that the French Open is run by the relevant Grand Slam authority and governed by their rules.

“Only during the Olympic Games are athletes under the jurisdiction of the IOC,” it says.

Djokovic will play against Hungary’s Marton Fucsovics in the second round of the French Open on Wednesday.