Jane Fonda Shares Her Cancer Is in Remission After Chemotherapy Treatment – E! Online

jane fonda There are additional reasons to celebrate his 85th birthday later this month.

grace and frankie The star got some good news just in time for her December 21 birthday—her cancer is in remission! one in statement shared on his website on 15 December monster in Law The actress revealed that she may be off chemotherapy and called it “The Best Birthday Present Ever”.

“I feel so blessed, so lucky,” she wrote. “I thank all of you who prayed and sent good thoughts. I am sure this played a part in the good news. I am especially happy because my first 4 chemo treatments were easy for me, with only a few days being tired Reason being, the previous chemo session was tough and lasted for 2 weeks, which made it difficult to achieve anything.”

Jen shared in September that she had been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Non-Hodgkin’s is a cancer that begins in the white blood cells and affects the lymphatic system, which is part of the immune system, according to cancer.org,