Islamic Jihad threatens Ben Gvir; Far-right MK responds: We will crush them – India Times English News

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group threatened the life of far-right Otzma Yehudi leader Itamar Ben Gvir on Monday, vowing to “crush” the Gaza-based terrorist group.

A spokesman for Islamic Jihad’s West Bank division warned that Ben Gvir’s “fate will be similar to that of Rehavam Zevi, a supporter of Islam. [population] transfer.

Zevi, who advocated resettlement of Arabs from Israel and the West Bank, was assassinated by Palestinian terrorists in 2001 while serving as tourism minister.

Otzma Yehudit is a disciple of the late extremist Rabbi Meir Kahane, who similarly advocated a forced resettlement policy, although Ben Gvir has recently distanced himself from that position and now says he only “unreliable” Arabs. Let’s accept. needed.

Islamic Jihad’s statement also referred to the expected appointment of Ben Gvir as the next police minister, warning that it would “accelerate his death.”

In response, Ben Gvir said, “Threats from terrorist organizations will not deter me. We are committed to restoring Israel’s security.”

He called for the immediate establishment of a right-wing government so that “we can crush Islamic Jihad.”

Otzma Yehudit leader Itamar Ben Gvir speaking during a faction meeting in the Knesset on November 28, 2022. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)

Ben Gvir has faced numerous death threats over the past year, with the Shin Bet security service announcing in May that it had foiled a plot by the Hamas terrorist group to assassinate him.

Otzma Yehudit is part of a right-wing faction led by potential prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu that has been working to form a coalition since his Likud party and affiliated factions won a majority of Knesset seats in the November 1 election. did.

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