ISB develops practical curriculum for agricultural university

Naveen S Grewal
Tribune News Service

Hyderabad, 1 November

The Agribusiness Management (ABM) program has adapted the curriculum for Professor Jaishankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) to keep pace with the rapidly evolving global scenarios and practices required for a meaningful and practical agricultural production.

This new curriculum recommends the need for a robust industry-institution-interface; encourage inter-functional group projects; heed the advice; Encouraging students to prepare a dissertation; mixing agribusiness with the environment, pollution and food; And explore different online platforms.

As part of this initiative, PJTSAU and ISB worked closely with field experts, academicians, entrepreneurs and other direct, indirect stakeholders, a statement issued by the Telangana government said.

Quoting PJTSAU Vice-Chancellor Prof V Praveen Rao, the statement said, “Our university aspires to prepare its students and professionals for the future and enable them to convert challenges into new growth opportunities. As part of this approach, we are building partnerships with thought leaders and subject matter experts in emerging technologies.

He added, “We are delighted to partner with ISB in redesigning the curriculum curriculum for the ABM program at a time when the need of the hour is to offer the latest and futuristic modules to our students. I am sure that The new and advanced ABM curriculum will go a long way in developing some of the best and world class growth models in agri-business and allied sectors.