India, US call on Taliban to abide by commitments, say Afghan soil should not be used to attack any country

India and the US have called on the Taliban to abide by their commitments and to respect the human rights of all Afghans, including women, children and minority groups, and called on Afghanistan’s new rulers to ensure that the war-torn country’s territory never ceases to exist. No longer used to threaten or attack any country or provide shelter or training to terrorists.

In the US-India joint leaders’ statement released after the first personal bilateral meeting between US President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Washington on Friday, the two leaders underscored the importance of combating terrorism in Afghanistan.

The two leaders resolved that the Taliban should comply with UNSC Resolution 2593 (2021), which demands that Afghan territory be never again used to threaten or attack any country, or to harbor or train terrorists, or terrorists. Attacks should not be planned or financed, and underlined. According to the joint statement, the importance of countering terrorism in Afghanistan.

The resolution was adopted by India’s presidency of the United Nations Security Council in August.

President Biden and Prime Minister Modi called on the Taliban to abide by these and all other commitments, including the safe, secure and orderly departure of Afghans and all foreign nationals from Afghanistan, and to respect the human rights of all Afghans, including women. Children and members of minority groups, the statement said.


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