How the mass shootings in Uvalde and Buffalo led to the first federal gun law in decades

After two horrific mass shootings in Texas and New York, Congress passed the most meaningful gun law in decades.

safe community act Will expand background checks in some cases, close so-called boyfriend loopholes to prevent domestic abusers from obtaining or possessing firearms, and deal grants to help prevent gun violence and secure schools.

“Some parts are very promising,” said Alex McCourt, firearms policy expert at the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions. “The other part? Maybe less so. It’s less than President Biden expected, but it’s also less what we can do, as the researchers say, is the best-case scenario.”

critics of the bill Argue That the Safe Communities Act may be overly restrictive on the definition of a romantic partner, and that increased scrutiny of people under the age of 21 would violate the rights of citizens to join forces and vote. Supreme Court also justified hit down A New York concealed-carry law, which has left some states to find new solutions to try to limit the number of guns in public.

How did the recent mass shootings in Uvalde, Texas and Buffalo, New York, advocate for gun safety? And what does the most meaningful gun law in decades mean for Second Amendment supporters and firearm companies? Watch the video above to know more.