Green Day’s Billy Joe Armstrong says he will ‘relinquish’ US citizenship on Roe v. Wade – National |

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green day front man Billie Joe Armstrong He told fans during a concert in London that he would give up his United States citizenship, just hours after US Supreme Court Overturned Roe vs. Wade,

For 50 years, Roe v. Wade set a legal precedent that guaranteed the right of a abortion In the US, a majority conservative bench in Friday’s 6-3 decision has now left it open to individual states to ban or restrict abortions.

Armstrong, 50, addressed the widely criticized decision during Friday’s performance of the Hella Mega Tour, whose other titles include Weezer, Fall Out Boy and others.

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“F—k America. I’m f—king renouncing my citizenship. I’m f—king coming here,” Armstrong told UK concerts.

Speaking to the cheering of the audience, Armstrong continued, “For a country in the world to go back to that pathetic f-king excuse too much f-king idiot.”

Armstrong seemed serious about his intentions, telling fans to be prepared: “You’re going to get me a lot more in the days to come.”

Green Day has long been critical of the US government, particularly conservative politics. his 2004 hit American Idiot It is a frequently used protest song and was written in response to the US invasion of Iraq.

According to British reports, Armstrong said “f—k the Supreme Court of America” ​​before playing the song.

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Reaction to Armstrong’s announcement on social media was mixed, with some condemning the decision and others finding it in line with Green Day politics. Others wondered if he would really go through this.

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Weekly Poll: Is Billy Joe Armstrong Serious About Relinquishing His US Citizenship?

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Armstrong wasn’t the only artist who opposed the reversal of Rowe vs. Wade. The Glastonbury festival took place in the UK over the weekend and artists Olivia Rodrigo, Phoebe Bridgers, Megan Thee Stallion and Kendrick Lamar used their time on stage to condemn the ruling.

Rodrigo joins Britain’s Lily Allen on stage for Allen’s hit song You FKDedicated to the five Supreme Court justices who voted to overturn the precedent.

Rodrigo said she was “horrified and devastated” by the news that abortion would no longer be a federally guaranteed right. “So many women and so many girls are going to die because of this,” she said.

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Bridgers led the “F—k Supreme Court” chant during their set and Megan Thee Stallion proclaimed, “My body is my mother—King’s choice.”

On Sunday night, Lamar donned a crown of thrones soaked in fake blood and ended his set by chanting “Godspeed for women’s rights, they judge you, they judge Christ”.

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