google: Google Drive locked files of some users due to AI problem – Times of India – India Times English News

last month, Google Announced an updated policy for its cloud storage service, Google Drive. Under the new policy, the tech giant can automatically block and restrict access to files that violate its abuse policies. Now, it appears that Google still has some work to do on the new feature as the AI ​​system that recognizes suspicious content is flagging the wrong files. According to a report in The Register, Google Drive Revoking access to files that are innocuous.
According to a Twitter post by Dr. Emily Dolson, assistant professor at Michigan State University, the tech giant also flagged a text file that contained only one numeric character. As reported by The Register, Google did not provide a way for users to request a review of the document to overturn the decision, despite the company’s claim that users could request a review. However, Google engineer Misha Brookman responded to Dolson’s tweet, assuring the issue would be resolved.
TechRadar claims Google made a statement on the incident where it agreed the issue affected a small number of people To drive Files and it has fixed all known cases where Files was falsely flagged for violating Google’s copyright infringement policy.
What is the new Google Drive policy
When a Google Drive file is identified as violating Google’s Terms of Service or Program Policies, it may be banned. When it’s restricted, you may see a flag next to the file name, you won’t be able to share it, and your file will no longer be publicly accessible, even to people who have link is.
The owner of the item in Google Drive will receive an email notifying them of the action taken, and warning them how to request a review of the ban if they believe it is a mistake. For items in Shared Drives, the Shared Drive Manager will be notified
