Gluten-free diet: All you need to know about this popular health trend – Bharat Times Hindi News

‘Gluten-free’ is a buzzword you’re probably familiar with. A favorite amongst the health-conscious, gluten-free diets are now considered a top choice for diets. While Instagram influencers and celebrities jump on the bandwagon and promote the many benefits of a gluten-free diet, there are questions about who needs such a diet, whether the fad is completely unnecessary, and what exactly is gluten-free food. What are substances? However, experts suggest that the gluten-free diet is “not necessary for everyone”, and that a lack of awareness and knowledge about gluten-free diets poses problems.

Many common foods that contain gluten are wheat, semolina, cereals and other grains. Processed foods such as soy sauce and others also contain traces of gluten. However, how can you safely determine whether you should follow a gluten-free diet? A study titled Recent Strategies for Dealing with Problems in Gluten-Free Diets and Products, published in the National Library of Medicine, says that you still have to face several significant hurdles if you want to follow a strict, gluten-free diet. may have to. , The study noted challenges such as limited availability, high price of products, inadequate labeling, cross-contamination risk, treatment burden, and lack of knowledge and information about celiac disease and gluten-free diets.

The same study also noted psychological factors in celiac patients—who develop an autoimmune reaction to gluten that causes the body to attack the small intestine, causing abdominal pain, gas, indigestion, and in some cases There is also diarrhea. Adverse effects of a gluten-free diet and quality defects of gluten-free products were also noted as one of the major problems faced by celiac patients. However, a study called Gluten-Related Illnesses and Serious Mental Disorders: A Comprehensive Review states that there is insufficient evidence to recommend a gluten-free diet for populations with psychosis and mood disorders.

In conclusion, the experts noted that people who suffer from celiac disease should follow a diet that is not only free of gluten but also healthy to avoid deficiencies or excesses of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. However, for those who wish to follow a gluten-free diet, the underlying advice is to first consult a specialist dietitian and nutritionist to get a clear diagnosis.

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