Fundraising for Catholic Parish Football Fields in North Tulsa

Tulsa, Okla. — Two Catholic parishes in northern Tulsa are trying to bring football to the area. Father Celestine Obidigwu said he saw an opportunity to bring a soccer league to his backyard.

His parish has about 10 acres of vacant land. He saw fit to convert it into football fields where multiple leagues could play.

“These kids want to play in the football league. You know, they don’t want to just go and start playing soccer around, no. They want to participate in a league where they can compete and win trophies, but not every parent in northern Tulsa can afford to pay $300 to play in a major league.”

Father C Apache and serving in St. Augustine Parish near Peoria, he has a heart not only for his congregation, but for everyone in his community.

Every Sunday after Mass, you find him in the backyard of his parish playing football with the children in the area.

“It started with my background, I’m from Nigeria, I played football, high school through college, when I was also in seminary, so that’s where this strong desire is coming from,” said Father Obidigwu .

His personal passion for the game inspired him to turn the empty space into the realm of dreams.

“What a privilege, what an honor it is for us to be a part of it. It is always nice to help a child define, refine and develop those basic amazing talents,” he said.

He hopes that the game will keep the children physically active and out of trouble.

They are aimed at families who often cannot afford uniforms or league expenses to access sports.

Kimberly Allen is a sportswoman’s grandmother.

“It meant a lot because, you know, some kids can’t buy what they need, but they want to play like this to get out there and everyone look the same and I have only one thing, that Means a lot,” Allen said.

Within two weeks he raised money to cover uniforms and league expenses for 50 children in the area.

“They each received free soccer cleats, a free jersey, shin guards and free registration”, said Father Obidigwu.

They currently have two football fields available, but Father C said they wanted to expand as more children wanted to play.

Before they can do this, they have to upgrade the land for proper drainage.

The St. Augustine and St. Monica Catholic Churches are asking the public for help because those repairs cost anywhere from $120,000-$150,000.

If you would like to donate to the church you can call 918-428-3280 or 918-607-8681.

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