Extreme heat affects our most vulnerable communities the most

The complex consequences of extreme heat do not spread evenly across communities. a a recent study from the University of California, San Diego, found that low-income neighborhoods and communities with high black, Hispanic and Asian populations experienced significantly more heat than wealthy and predominantly white neighborhoods.
it shows a earlier study One who traces the heritage of the neighborhood redlining, a government-sanctioned effort in the 1930s to isolate people of color by denying them housing loans and insurance. While redlining was banned in the late 1960s, remnants of the discriminatory practice are still evident.

The research analyzed 108 cities in the United States and found that 94% of historically remodeled neighborhoods are hotter than other areas in the same city.

Redlined neighborhoods usually suffer the most urban heat island effect, according to the study, in which some urban areas can be up to 20 degrees warmer than neighborhoods just a few blocks away. Areas with a lot of asphalt, buildings and freeways absorb more of the sun’s heat than areas with parks, rivers and tree-lined roads.

Vivek Shandas, lead author of the redlining study and professor of climate adaptation and urban policy at Portland State University, said that in addition to historic planning policies, the materials used to construct buildings also play a major role in amplifying the most severe effects of extreme heat. plays a role. , especially in low-income apartment complexes.

“What we see, because these high-density buildings are made of materials that are often able to withstand heavy loads from multiple floors, is that they are made of concrete and steel, which increases the heat ,” Shandas previously told CNN. “So not only do we have historical planning policies that are creating a distribution of heat that is uneven, we are also seeing that the types of buildings that move into historically disincentive neighborhoods are the types of buildings that are exposed to the sun’s solar radiation. maintain, and then increase it.”

Manhattan’s move from Central Park to East Harlem is having an impact, says Sonal Jessel, policy director at the Harlem-based nonprofit WE ACT for Environmental Justice.

Jessel says the trees in wealthy and predominantly white Upper East Side neighborhoods are beginning to disappear. In contrast, East Harlem, a diverse and historically marginalized neighborhood, surrounded by freeways and streets, has less tree cover and more industry.

“After all, I would describe extreme heat as such a risk-multiplier,” Jessel told CNN. “This is not an issue that exists in a vacuum, and low-income communities or communities of color bear the brunt of all these various hardships.”

Portland, Oregon and Seattle, two major cities scorched by a June heat wave, ranked first and third, respectively, among the cities with the highest proportion of homes without air conditioning, according to one US Census Bureau Survey Out of 25 major metropolitan areas. experts say Those who are least likely to have air conditioning are the people who will endure the worst heat – historically inept communities.

“And unfortunately, we are not well prepared, just generally speaking, for the summer, in the Pacific Northwest,” Shandas said. “That’s where the human side of this comes into play, is people recognizing that they are actually experiencing some level of heat stress and this may be an unfamiliar experience to them.”

During an August heat wave, residents spend an afternoon at a cooling center at Kellogg Middle School in Portland, Oregon.

June Spector, a professor of environmental and occupational health sciences at the University of Washington, Seattle, said heat exhaustion is one of the most common heat-related illnesses, yet many are unaware of its symptoms.

“You haven’t reached the point where your core body temperature has gone up, but you get nauseous, have a headache, you feel very tired, and if you’re in a really hot environment you’re probably somewhat are dehydrated,” Spector told CNN. “Having that awareness is really important because you don’t want to treat it or address it before it becomes more serious.”

Some cities are already taking steps to combat the effects of extreme heat. In Chicago And philadelphiaCity governments are offering financial incentives to install green roofs in colder cities and combat urban heat. In Dallas, urban green spaces are set to be built in some of the city’s most heat-sensitive areas. In Los Angeles, some streets are being painted with a grayish-white coating to prevent it from absorbing energy from the sun, and instead reflecting it back.
Extreme heat will be more frequent in the Pacific Northwest.  Experts say it's not ready.

In New York, Jessel is overseeing a flood of sustainable and equitable summer action plans, implementing an initiative focused on warmth, health and equity. A big part of that initiative is ensuring that low-income renters are well equipped to deal with extreme heat, as well as mitigating climate change through energy efficient buildings.

Experts say that disasters caused by climate change are becoming a public health issue. some, like extreme heat, are turning into mass casualties. Experts such as Jessel and Spector say such plans need to be justified to avoid the most harmful effects on public health.

“It’s really up to us how we can mitigate this and, if possible, stop climate change,” Spector said, “but really adapt to it and figure out how we can make our communities work for everyone.” How to make it safe

CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta contributed to this report.


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