Equipment failure causes discharge of untreated sewage into Flint River

Raw, untreated sewage was discharged into the Flint River following an equipment failure at a water facility in Flint.

On Sunday, Feb. 20 at 1:25 pm, the city of Flint Water Pollution Control Facility discharged raw, untreated sewage from its Northwest Pump Station.

The discharge is due to an equipment failure while the station is under construction, Water Pollution Control Supervisor Jeanette Best said.

As a precautionary measure that’s required by law, the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) and the Genesee County Health Department have been notified, as well as officials in Flint Township and Flushing.

The Genesee County Health Department recommends residents avoid body contact with the Flint River under high flow conditions, particularly downstream of the release, west of Mill Road Bridge at Flushing Road.

Large amounts of runoff and churning of the river sediments usually result in high bacterial levels in the river throughout high flow areas.
