‘Danger of harm’: Ontario suspends access to Peterborough long-term care facility globalnews.ca

Citing “risk of harm,” Ontario’s Ministry of Long-Term Care has suspended new admissions. St. Joseph in Fleming long term care In Peterborough.

The inspection branch of the ministry issued a letter on 2 may The Middle East branch of the Home and Community Care Support Service (HCCS) and St. Joseph’s administration were ordered to “cease authorizing” admissions to the 200-bed long-term home on the west end of the city.

An inspection was conducted at the Brayley Drive facility on 2 May.

Long-term care inspection branch director Brad Robinson said the order comes under Sec. 56 of the Fixing Long-Term Care Act (FLTCA). This instruction will remain effective from May 2 until further notice from the Ministry.

“The closure of entry is directed at my belief that there is a risk of harm to the health and welfare of the home’s residents or individuals who may be admitted as residents,” Robinson said.

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No explanation for the suspension was given in Robinson’s letter.

In an email statement to Global News on Monday evening, the ministry says multiple issues of “non-compliance” within the long-term care home prompted the admission suspension.

“Through the Ministry of Long-Term Care’s inspection program, non-compliance issues were discovered within the home regarding resident care, staffing, and infection prevention and control,” the ministry said.

“Due to non-compliance with the ministry’s requirements, an admission termination order was issued. Follow-up inspections will continue, and the ministry will remain in contact with the home.

Global News also contacted Cynthia Martino, executive director of HCCS. HCCS media relations manager Adele Small said any questions related to the inspection should be directed to the ministry.

Carol Rodd, administrator of St. Joseph’s in Fleming, was also contacted. On Tuesday morning, he said the ministry had directed that all questions related to Robinson’s letter be redirected to him.

Ministry on Tuesday… The 118-page report was released on April 15 and posted Citing the results of a home inspection conducted in late February and throughout March.

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Inspectors investigated allegations of inappropriate care of residents by staff, resident-to-resident abuse, resident care and neglect concerns, housekeeping, menu planning and staffing issues.

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The report said specific incidents highlighted included the “unexpected” death of a resident who was hospitalized due to medical health issues, including wounds.

However, the report said long-term care staff “failed to communicate” with a nurse practitioner regarding wound and pain care on multiple occasions, including “ensuring that the resident received prescribed medication Was.”

“A series of failures and omissions led to neglect of residents,” the report concludes. “The failure of a number of employees to follow the licensee’s policies and comply with the law, and the failure of managers to oversee and ensure its policies, programs and
“Law enforcement and enforcement has been negligent and has impacted the lives of residents.”

Another incident reported involved two residents who were found “nude” in a hallway.

There were also several locations where used razor blades were stored in bottles without lids, and they were “accessible to residents,” the report said. Inspectors said residents were at risk of possible injury or infectious injuries.

Another incident exposed a resident who relied on staff for restorative and continuity care, however, it was determined that staff had failed to document individualized care.

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The report also mentioned a resident who had “unexplained injuries” that were caused by staff while transferring a patient via a mechanical lift. However, no injuries to the resident were reported.

Another resident was found on the floor because the mechanical lift was not used. However, the ministry says no documentation was provided on the resident’s fall.

Fleming’s St. Joseph was fined and ordered to comply with a number of issues, the report said.

A detailed 56-page inspection summary Also released in late November 2023 Outline of the results of inspections carried out in August 2023.

The Inspection Branch investigated several alleged incidents of staff-to-resident abuse and neglect.

Some incidents included a resident who did not have appropriate housing, nutritional care and services, complaints of failure by the home to provide residents with their plan of care, issues related to staff shortages, an allegation by one resident of assaulting another, and An incident of employee misconduct.

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The summary report noted that in one incident a personal support worker was fired after leaving a resident alone in a dark room for a period of time without providing access to a call bell.

The ministry issued several fines for certain violations and ordered compliance on certain issues by February 2024.

more to come…

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