Coronavirus live: England speeds up booster jab rollout, Ukraine reports record daily death toll

Kovid infection has fallen in secondary school children England For the first time in weeks, but experts from the government’s pandemic advisory body giving a warning The number of deaths and hospitalizations from the disease across the UK could rise over the next nine days.

Figures released Friday by the Office for National Statistics showed the rate of infection among children aged 11 to 16 in the school years fell to 7.5% in the week ending October 30, rising throughout September, and goes down from the high of 9.1%. week ago.

While the infection rate is still far higher in the UK than in any other age group, scientists said the slowdown could indicate that cases in England are peaking at least for some time. While the data includes the October half-term week when children are less mixed, the ONS said tests conducted in the week ending October 30 would have identified those infected before the break.

The ONS data has raised hopes that the wave of disease spreading to schools in early autumn may finally subside.


