Constitution Day: Don’t hesitate to stand up against wrong, CJI Raman tells lawyers – India Times Hindi News

New Delhi: Asking bar associations to stand against right and wrong, Chief Justice NV Ramana on Friday (November 26) urged lawyers to protect the judiciary from “motivated and targeted attacks”. Speaking at the Constitution Day celebrations organized by the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA), CJI Ramana said the most important feature of the Indian Constitution is that it provides a framework for debate.

Stating that lawyers and judges are part of one big family, the CJI said, “I want to tell you all that you should help the judges and the institution. We are all part of one big family after all. Let the organization be inspired and targeted attacks. Don’t hesitate to stand up for what’s right and what’s wrong.”

26 November is celebrated as Constitution Day because on this day the Constituent Assembly of India formally adopted the Constitution in 1949, which later came into force on 26 January 1950. In his speech, the CJI said, “It has been 72 years. Years ago from today the text that came to define us as a person and as a nation was adopted. I thank all those freedom fighters and the Constituent Assembly. I would like to pay my humble tributes to the members. I pay tribute to those who have enabled us all to stand here today. I am happy to be a part of the legal community which has given so much to the freedom struggle and to the Constitution. Played such an important role in drafting.

He asked the lawyers on Constitution Day to take a pledge to propagate to all the people in all aspects of the ideas that form the basis of the Constitution – liberty, equality and justice. No one can forget the contribution of lawyers like Mahatma. The CJI said that Gandhi, Dr BR Ambedkar, Jawaharlal Nehru, Lala Lajpat Rai, Sardar Patel and Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer, whose dedication and sacrifice for the people are legendary.

CJI Raman said, “We are all here to inherit that glorious legacy. While celebrating this day and paying homage to our freedom fighters and the makers of our Constitution, I feel it is also important for all of us to celebrate free citizenship. India. It is their actions over the past 12 decades- litigants, lawyers, judges, legislators, businessmen, activists and many others who have breathed life into what might otherwise be just another bare document. ,

today’s constitution, The CJI said that built on the foundation laid by the framers, it is a richer and more complex document than the one adopted in 1949. Novel and unique interpretations,” he said. Stating that the most important feature of the Indian Constitution is that it provides a framework for debate, he emphasized that it is only through such debate and discussion. The nation eventually progresses, develops and attains higher levels of welfare of the people.

“You are following in the footsteps of the great men and women who produced the vision document of this nation and are also a direct participant in redefining that vision. As people with close knowledge of the constitution and laws, it is also your responsibility to educate the remaining citizens about their role in society. The history, present and future of this country are on your shoulders. CJI Raman said it was a heavy, if not the heaviest, burden.

“This profession is called a noble profession for a reason. It demands expertise, experience and commitment like any other profession. But apart from the above, it requires integrity, knowledge of social issues, social responsibility and civic Qualities are also required. You must be the leader and mentor in the society. Play an active role in giving your hand to the needy,” said the CJI. The CJI concluded his speech with a quote from Dr. BR Ambedkar- “Men mortals So are thoughts. An idea needs just as much propagation as a plant needs water. Otherwise both will wither and die.”

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