CM Mamata Banerjee writes to PM Modi, seeks permanent solution to ‘man-made’ Bengal floods

Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee A letter has been written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi seeking a permanent solution to the flood problem in West Bengal, it was learned on Wednesday.

In a four-page letter dated October 5, Banerjee once again alleged that the recent floods in the state were “man-made” and that it was the “uncontrolled and unplanned” discharge of water from Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) dams in Panchet and Maithon. was due to in Jharkhand.

Referring to a letter he wrote on 4 August, he said, “I had highlighted the structural factors that give rise to the severe man-made flood situation in southern Bengal repeatedly, pathetic and tragically. Until the Government of India Unless we do not address the basic underlying structural and managerial issues on a short-term and long-term basis, disasters in our low-lying coastal state will continue unabated.

She also alleged that the DVC officials did not heed the Indian Meteorological Department’s (IMD) warning of heavy rain and “kept the water discharge from the dams at a low level and when the heavy rains came, it caused about one million acre feet of water”. Water scarcity between 30 September and 2 October, causing severe destruction ahead of the festive season in the Lower Damodar region.

The Chief Minister has also mentioned in his letter the date wise release of water from Maithon and Panchet dams. “This annual problem requires immediate short-term and long-term measures to ease the suffering of the people and avoid national harm in terms of loss of life and property. I seek your immediate intervention so that the concerned Ministries of the Government of India We are requested to join hands with the Governments of West Bengal and Jharkhand and the officers of DVC to help us find a permanent solution to this problem of our state year after year,” he said.

Last week, Banerjee had blamed the Jharkhand government and the DVC for the current flood situation in some districts of south Bengal.


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