Cause of death Mia Marcano ruled ‘murder by uncertain means’, says medical examiner

mia marcano Was missing on 24 September According to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, when she was last seen at the Arden Villa luxury apartment in Orlando, where she lived and worked.
his body was found October 2 in a wooded area near Timber Scan on Lake Apartments, about 18 miles west of her home.

The autopsy report said that Marcano’s body was close to a complete skeleton in the face, neck, torso and upper arms. “There was no identifiable evidence of trauma,” the report said.

The report said black duct tape – which was described as “evidence of restraint” – was tied around his neck, behind his back, and at both ankles.

“The deceased was found in an abandoned section of an apartment complex, suggesting the intentional disposal of his body,” Orange County Chief Medical Examiner Joshua D. Stephanie wrote in the autopsy report. “In my opinion, the way he was found in an abandoned area of ​​an apartment complex, with many restrictions and his nature, indicates some sort of attack.”

Armando Manuel Caballero was identified as an interested person in the case and was found dead from an apparent suicide on 27 September. Orange County Sheriff John Mina said Caballero had shown a romantic interest in Marcano, but was repeatedly reprimanded.

According to the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, cell phone records indicate that Caballero was “in or near” the apartment for about 20 minutes between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. Marcano was reported missing.

Mina said in October, officers were not “looking for anyone else” in connection with Marcano’s death because investigators believe Caballero was “responsible for this crime.”
