Breast cancer survivor and body builder showed his true strength

CHICAGO – Bodybuilder and breast cancer survivor, Erica Langley, literally and figuratively proves just how strong she is!

Langley was preparing for her first bodybuilding competition when a shocking diagnosis derailed her plans. After losing a noticeable amount of weight, she felt a peach pit-sized lump on her breast, which was later diagnosed with breast cancer.

Langley worked with his team of doctors to: University of Chicago Medicine and underwent 20 weeks of radiation and a double mastectomy.

When it was safe, Langley returned to the gym and began training with her coach, Bolo Young. Not only did she beat breast cancer, but she also beat her competitors to finish first, second and third.

Langley credits her doctors and support system for helping her stay positive and motivated while battling cancer. Now, she says she is in the best shape of her life!

Doctors at Langley and the University of Chicago Medicine encourage everyone to have regular checkups and annual mammograms.
