BC’s David Eby, Alberta’s Danielle Smith watch Oilers-Canucks playoff game together | globalnews.ca

Hockey brought together a pair of provincial politicians on Friday when the premiers of BC and Alberta were at a playoff game between the Edmonton Oilers and Vancouver Canucks.

BC Premier David Eby and his Alberta counterpart Danielle Smith watched Game 2 from a private suite at Rogers Arena in Vancouver.

There were many other people in the suite and the two prime ministers were not sitting next to each other.

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Smith challenged AB on social media last week to bet on the outcome of the best-of-seven second-round Stanley Cup playoff series.

AB accepted the stipulation, whereby the loser of the All-Canadian matchup would have to wear the opponent’s jersey and deliver a statement written by the winner in their provincial legislature.

The Canucks lead 1–0 in the series. Games 3 and 4 are scheduled to be played Sunday and Tuesday in Edmonton.

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Click to play video: 'Edmonton Oilers' mascot Hunter welcomed into Alberta legislature'

Edmonton Oilers mascot Hunter welcomed into Alberta legislature

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