Batman casts a long shadow, especially among his most vocal fans

Created in 1939, Batman isn’t the first superhero, or even necessarily. But the differing ways of adapting him for the screen have stirred up immense passion among fans, including knee-jerk reactions that border on frenzy. This included Howell welcoming Michael Keaton to the cast in the 1980s (an unorthodox choice of course) and perhaps especially Ben Affleck in 2013.

In December interview Along with Howard Stern, Affleck admitted to feeling “hurt” by an online petition that aired against starring in “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”. For his part, Stern pointed out that Batman aficionados have a track record of complaining “no matter who gets that role.”

For years, fans seeking allegiance to the comics have had reason to be wary and suspicious of Hollywood.

The main window for Batman in the comics came in the 1970s, which marked a change from the lightness and camp characteristic of the 1960s “Batman” TV show—its “Wap! Bum! Pow!” Graphics – For a deep vision of the Caped Vigilante.

“Batman,” Starring Robert Pattinson, represents the character’s latest screen incarnation, and in many ways seems designed to tap into the desires of that ardent fan base. Serious and grim, the film complements the weaners on Batman as a creature of the night, an image revered by comic-book artists Marshall Rogers and Neil Adams in the ’70s, and the historical graphic novel “The Dark Knight Returns”. In Frank Miller.”
Director/co-writer Matt Reeves cited another Miller-written comic, “Batman: Year One”, as an early stage of his crime-fighting career, among his inspirations,
Those comics evolved Batman’s profile toward a more adult tone that informed 1989 film by director Tim Burton, Yet with its success, the sequel directed late Joel Schumacher — starring Val Kilmer, and then George Clooney — revived the kind of broad camp that was seen by many comics fans as the bad old days.

Christopher Nolan reformed with his trilogy of “Batman Begins,” “The Dark Knight” and “The Dark Knight Rises,” based on Heath Ledger’s Oscar-winning Joker—the kind of prestige that usually eludes superhero fare. gives.

But reinvention has always been a part of Batman’s screen incarnations. Toby Emmerich, President of Warner Bros. Picture Group (eg CNN, part of WarnerMedia), most recently told the New York Times That Reeves’ challenge was “to create a Batman that is compelling and dynamic and thrilling, but different from anything we’ve seen before.”
While the film is assured big opening weekend, How well it lasts will be determined not only by how committed fans respond, but whether those with less investment are involved in going back to theaters.
When Affleck was selected, CNN’s Jake Tapper jokingly penned a segment on the overheated response as “the debate separating this country: Batfleck”. Next year, Affleck Admitted to Entertainment Weekly That Warner Bros. warned him of a potential setback, Studio Brass was quoted as saying, “Are you sure you want to be involved? It’s part and parcel of these movies now. There are so many active fans who have lots of opinions. Is.”

Social media has created dynamic, echo chambers where those with “lots of opinions” can mingle with like-minded people, or conversely, argue with dissidents.

The loudest voices, of course, aren’t always the most representative, especially with something like Batman. But they do reflect why the bat-signal holds such a distinctive place in pop culture: because many people think they know what’s right for the character, assuming that he or she — no matter who’s outfit. Wears – belongs to them.