Baby recovering at St. Louis Hospital after five days on ventilator with COVID-19

“And kids 12 and older are coming to our hospital and being admitted,” she said, “they are unvaccinated across the board.”

mom is here

When Adrian coughed on Tuesday of last week, Jackson never suspected he might have COVID-19. No one else in the house was sick.

She is a stay-at-home mother and had recovered from a mild case of COVID-19 in August, she said. She can’t get the vaccine because she has Guillain-Barré, a rare autoimmune disorder. Adrian’s father has received the first two-dose COVID vaccine.

A few days after Adrian coughed, on October 1, the child became hot and sweaty and did not feel like eating. Jackson gave her Tylenol and a bath. But after a nap, he was struggling to breathe.

Jackson took her to nearby Good Samaritan Hospital, where doctors gave her first priority in an overcrowded emergency room.

“They were kind of freaking out,” Jackson said. “The doctor said he was breathing 76 times a minute, and he should only be breathing 35 to 40 times a minute.”

Staff immediately sent a medical helicopter to take him to Cardinal Glennon, an hour and a half away by car. A test showed he had COVID-19.

“I was so scared. I was crying, but I was trying not to cry because I didn’t want him to see me cry, because he was really scared too,” Jackson said.


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