17 Kitchen Versatile Essentials That Will Make Home Cooking Easy as Pie – E! Online

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Resolved to get more involved in the kitchen this year? you’re not alone. After all, this is a very common goal; You get to transcend “save money” and “eat better” when you do it, and that kind of efficiency is hard to beat. That said, it can be a bit daunting if you’re not sure where to start.

Do you have the right utensils? Pans? Belongings? Are you so used to eating out of containers that you’ve forgotten where your dinner plates are? be the first to tell me that i Get it. I recently moved, and takeout and to-go items are so much easier than finding where I put all my stuff and finding my way around a new place.

So for you and me, I’ve pulled together this list of versatile kitchen essentials that really make us want to get in there and set the stuff on fire. From dainty place settings to Instagram-friendly cookware, here’s everything you (us) need to make cooking at home as easy as pie.

Incidentally, I have a super easy pie crust recipe to share, but I’ll save that for another article.