15 more COVID-19 deaths were recorded in Alberta, but the number of coronavirus patients in hospital declined. Globalnews.ca

fifteen more COVID-19 Deaths have been confirmed in Alberta A tweet from the provincial government on Wednesday.

The province released its latest pandemic figures on Wednesday, which totals the week of June 28 to July 4.

With the latest death, the total number of Albertans whose deaths have been linked to the coronavirus now stands at 4,636 since the pandemic began.

Despite the deaths, the number of people with COVID-19 in Alberta hospitals continues to decline, down from 589 a week ago to 568. However, the number of COVID-19 patients being treated in intensive care units rose to 21 this week, from 13 a week ago.

Read more: Number of COVID-19 patients in Alberta’s ICU drops to lowest level since October 2020

Of the 7,771 COVID-19 tests completed between June 28 and July 4, Alberta Health said 1,124 tests were positive. Because only a limited number of Albertans are eligible for PCR tests, officials have noted that the actual number of people who are positive for COVID-19 is much higher than what is being reported.

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Since the pandemic began, 589,726 COVID-19 tests have resulted in positive tests in Alberta.

As of July 4, a total of 8,909,619 doses of COVID-19 vaccines had been given in Alberta.

Read more: Canadians urged to get COVID-19 booster shots ahead of potential fallout wave

Late last month, Canada’s Chief Public Health Officer Theresa Tam said that the Omicron subvariants that are circulating – BA.4 and BA.5 – are more permeable and able to evade immunity than previous subvariants, and noted Cases are likely to increase in the next few weeks. ,

Click to play video: 'NACI recommends COVID-19 booster shots in autumn ahead of possible wave'

NACI recommends COVID-19 booster shots in autumn before potential wave

NACI recommends COVID-19 booster shots in autumn before potential wave

She and other health officials noted that 40 percent of Canadians still haven’t received a booster shot after their primary two vaccine doses, leaving the country behind other G7 countries when it comes to three doses. .

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— Cassandra Szclarsky, The Canadian Press. with a file of

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