Cyber ​​attack prevents Macmillan from shipping its books to retailers

Macmillan, one of the largest book publishers in the US, said it was vulnerable to a…

$100 Million in Cryptocurrency Stolen by Hackers

Hackers Stole Nearly $100 Million in Cryptocurrency a blockchain bridge, Technology company Harmony said on Thursday.…

Russia increased cyber espionage against countries supporting Ukraine, says Microsoft

WASHINGTON – Russian intelligence agencies have increased the pace of cyber attacks against countries that provide…

Introducing ‘Hack Me If You Can’, a new podcast series

Our new podcast series tells the story of a Russian hacker who won big by committing…

Introducing ‘Hack Me If You Can’, a new podcast series

Our new podcast series tells the story of a Russian hacker who won big by committing…

Tech and manufacturing firms launch industrial cyber security group

Dragos Inc., a manufacturing and critical infrastructure organization and security company. on Tuesday will launch a…

Cyber ​​Defense confidence ebbs manifold as ransomware attack

Despite Washington’s recent efforts to expand cybersecurity rules and disrupt hacking gangs, ransomware continues to spread…