Health workers tear honor cards in Punjab: Anger erupts at Independence Day celebrations in Mansa; Annoyed by being honored in the group – Bharat Times English News

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  • Independence Day Celebrations 2022; Punjab health workers tear appreciation letters in Mansa

Chandigarh7 minutes ago

In Mansa, Punjab, health workers tore the letters of honor received by him. He left after throwing these honor cards at the venue itself. The health workers were annoyed that why they were all honored together in the group? After this there was a stir in the administration. An attempt was made to honor him by calling him again but he left the ceremony.

Torn letters of honor on behalf of health workers.

SDM had hoisted the flag
Independence Day celebrations were organized at sub-division level in Sardulgarh, Mansa. The SDM hoisted the flag in this. During this time people who did special work were honored. In which these employees of Jhunir Health Center were also included.

First awarded single-handedly
The health workers, who tore the honor cards, said that first a single person was honored by calling him on the stage. When his turn came, everyone was called together on the stage. He was given honor letters there. It is not an honor but an insult. If he had to be honored, then why were letters of honor not given to him alone? If he had to do the same, then why was he called after asking to be honored?

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