What should people with mild to moderate color blindness keep in mind while driving?

Color blindness or color vision deficiency is the inability or decreased ability to perceive color differences under normal lighting conditions.

“Color blindness can be of varying severity. Some people with mild color deficiency can see colors normally in good light but have difficulty in dim light while others are not able to distinguish certain colors in any light In the most severe cases, the person sees everything in gray,” Dr.

The expert said that color blindness is common in men and about 8 percent of them have this condition. “As happens to most from birth, a large part is not even aware of their condition. If you are not able to differentiate between the colors red and green or blue and yellow, or if you find yourself repeatedly disagreeing about the colours, then you should go for a test. Yours eye specialist Or the optometrist will be able to diagnose this condition using simple tests,” he suggested.

Prior to this, while people with any severity of color blindness had not been issued driving license In India, in 2020, the Ministry of Roads and Transport announced that people with mild and moderate color blindness would be allowed to drive in India. “While this new law has come as a huge relief especially in times of pandemic, when people want to avoid public transport, there are a few things to keep in mind if you or someone you know drives with the condition. ”, he insisted.

According to experts, the most common type of color blindness is red-green which can make green some more red and red more green and others less bright. “Various studies have shown that up to 50 percent of people with mild or moderate color blindness may have difficulty conversing. transportation Light. People with color blindness may take a second longer to respond than others. An easy way is to remember the order of the red, yellow and green lights in a signal. Even after knowing the order, there can be trouble due to sudden change of lights or flickering of traffic lights. It is important to slow down while approaching the traffic signal to get time to confirm the lighting conditions,” he suggested.

More than half of drivers with these conditions may have more problems at night because the specific color is dependent on the lights. It can also affect the ability to appreciate reflectors On the road in low light. Therefore, while driving at night, you should deliberately drive slowly. Similar low light conditions exist in heavy rain or snow and warrant the same view.

“About 20 percent of people with mild and moderate color blindness may have trouble recognizing when the brake lights and taillights are on. Which may cause accident. Therefore, if you have color blindness, you should make sure that you maintain a sufficient distance from the vehicle in front to get some extra reaction time to identify the vehicle slowing down or stopping. indianexpress.com,

some of the danger signs Based on colours. These may include signs for winding or steep roads, the possibility of expected animals on the road, or for construction areas. As these signs can be a bit slow to detect, it is advised to drive with extra caution in these areas.

Since the government has taken this important step that empowers people with mild or moderate color blindness, it is the responsibility of people driving with the condition to take a protective approach to driving and keep themselves and others safe on the roads .

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