Russia deploys nuclear-armed ships for first time in 30 years, Norway says

The Norwegian intelligence service said in its statement that for the first time in the last 30 years, Russia has started deploying ships equipped with strategic nuclear weapons in the Baltic Sea. annual report,

“The major part of the nuclear capability is on submarines and surface ships of the Northern Fleet,” said Norwegian Intel.

The warships of the Northern Fleet regularly went to sea with nuclear weapons during the Cold War era, but this is the first time the modern Russian Federation has done so, the report said.

While Russia also has submarine capabilities, anti-satellite weapons, and cyber capabilities that could threaten Norway and the NATO military alliance, tactical nuclear weapons “are a particularly serious threat in many operational scenarios in which NATO countries may be involved.” are,” the report said.

Norwegian intelligence also noted that the escalation of a local war into a wider conflict involving the Unites States, NATO and Norway cannot be ruled out.

The agency assessed that while Russia will maintain, modernize and develop its nuclear arsenal, no significant changes to Russian nuclear doctrine are expected in the coming years.