opinion | Why Won’t Mark Elrich Protect Supreme Court Justices?

US marshals watch abortion rights activists march outside the home of conservative Supreme Court Justice Amy Connie Barrett on June 30 in Falls Church, VA.


Michael Reynolds/Shutterstock

Supreme Court Marshal Gail Curley told Montgomery County Executive Mark Elrich that enforce a local law Two judges live in her Maryland suburb, protesting by abortion activists against picketing at private homes. But on Wednesday’s press call, Mr. Elrick made the surprising claim that Ms. Curley was playing politics.

“If the majority of the court thinks these dramatizations will distract people from the piecemeal pieces of the Constitution, they don’t understand how seriously we take our rights,” said Mr Elrick, an elected Democrat. Huh. What an almost unbelievable statement. One of his constituents, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, was threatened last month by an armed potential murderer.

Why bring politics Roe vs. Wade Absolutely, given that the issue is security? “Because it’s not about safety,” replied Mr. Elrich. He said he learned of Marshall’s letter through the press, and that the county still hasn’t received it by mail: “It sounded to me basically, you know, like theater, probably of a response. The little fact is that we reacted quite negatively to the court’s decision.”

Montgomery County law prohibits picketing “in front of or near any private residence.” March is allowed as long as they do not stop at a particular house. Ms. Curley says activists have been staying in the Justice’s homes for half an hour. “I haven’t really seen any direct evidence that people have been there for 20 to 30 minutes,” said a county employee, “and when we talk to our police officers, they tell us that’s not happening.” Is. So there seems to be a disagreement on facts.” He said the police was trying to push people forward while respecting the “balance” with the right to protest.

Activists can beat drums in the Supreme Court for their heart ki baat. Yet in Mr. Elrich’s view, it would also be appropriate to prevent crowds from gathering at an official’s private home for abusers. , , dictatorship? “I think all you have to do is look at Putin’s Russia, and get an idea of ​​where you don’t want to go,” he said. “This idea where people can’t gather together, and if you gather together, you’re going to be arrested—that, it’s not happening here. And we need to make sure that people don’t stop protesting.” Don’t use protest as an excuse to silence.”

With local leaders like these, there’s probably an angry mob in your neighborhood.

Wonder Land: Democrats always seem to be on the edge of pushing politics into a state of civil unrest. Images: Getty Images / Boston Globe Composite: Mark Kelly

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Featured in the July 7, 2022 print edition as ‘The Man Who Will Not Protect the Justice’.